Curated by Alison Green
Elena Etter is a designer specialised in data visualisation and typography-led pieces. She understands design as a place for observation, investigation, and experimentation – as a continuously evolving process, always subject to change. Her work on display investigates the relationship that we as humans have to personal digital devices: how we shape them, how we are shaped by them, and how we shape the planet through them.
Instagram: @elenaetter
Michael Pearce-Harvey’s work explores the boundary between illustration and photography. Influenced by the photographs of Irving Penn and the black & white graphic work of painter Chuck Close, he uses a photographic process to resolve extreme detail in objects which are then rendered and printed to create a photorealistic illustrated large-format printed image. Often likened to using a microscope, the finished works can be printed to 3m in height allowing the observer to scrutinise details that are often over-looked in the objects themselves. These images form part of a series ‘Meteorites’ undertaken from 2019-present.
Instagram: @mpearceharvey
Fiona Hingston lives and works in a village on the edge of the Mendip Hills in Somerset. Her practice is a slow archaeological enquiry into place, the passage of time and the growing awareness of quiet erosion: silent barns, decaying farm buildings, mono-culture crops and vanishing flora and flora.
IInstagram: @fiona.hingston
Gaia Redgrave is a neurodivergent visual artist, facilitator, and diversity advocate, living and working in West Wales. Her work is auto-ethnographical and performative, concerning itself with a deep connection to space and place, exploring how our sense of belonging, to landscape, place or culture, impacts our sense of self and our emotional health and well-being. Gaia’s work describes a pathway to rewilding the self and celebrates authenticity.
Instagram: @gaiaredgrave