Image credit: Ky Lewis
Cyanotype taster drop-in with Ky Lewis
When: Saturday 14 May & Sunday 15 May
Time: 1-3pm
Cost: £5 pay on the day
Where: In the front garden of Bell House
Please note: If it’s raining heavily the workshops will not be able to go ahead
Learn to make your own cyanotype from supplied botanicals and other objects in a short fun taster session. Suitable for all ages to try and you get to take home a piece of alternative photographic artwork.
Ky Lewis is an award winning alternative photographer and educator sharing her knowledge through workshops with children and adults. She is a practicing artist, widely exhibited and published, having shown in group shows in places such as New York USA, Barcelona Spain, Heidelberg and Koblenz Germany, Rybnik Poland, Kyiv Ukraine, Tokyo Japan and many more.
Image credit: Ky Lewis
Lumen/chemigram taster drop-in with Ky Lewis
When: Saturday 21 May
Time: 1-3pm
Cost: £5 pay on the day
Where: In the front garden of Bell House
Please note: If it’s raining heavily the workshops will not be able to go ahead
Learn to make your own lumen/chemigram from supplied botanicals and other objects in a short fun taster session. Suitable for all ages to try and you get to take home a piece of alternative photographic artwork.
Ky Lewis is an award winning alternative photographer and educator sharing her knowledge through workshops with children and adults. She is a practicing artist, widely exhibited and published, having shown in group shows in places such as New York USA, Barcelona Spain, Heidelberg and Koblenz Germany, Rybnik Poland, Kyiv Ukraine, Tokyo Japan and many more.
Image credit: Laura Moreton-Griffiths
Image: Gaia Redgrave installation
Image credit: Lèonie Cronin
Gas Hood visits the exhibition - live performance by Laura Moreton-Griffiths
When: Saturday 21 May
Time: 12pm Noon
Many academics and climate scientists believe we are past the point of no return and that as well as reducing carbon emissions and methane, and extracting more from the air, we must adapt. Research suggests that climate stress will disrupt the basic functioning of our societies within the next ten years and that affluent nations will soon experience malnutrition, starvation, disease, civil conflict and war. With deep sadness and some humour, Gas Hood adapts.
Seed Head - live performance by Charlotte Squire
When: Saturday 21 May
Time: 2pm
Charlotte Squire is interested in how people inhabit different social spaces - how we recreate nature in our cities and impose control on the natural world. Spirit figures in mask & costume evoke a magic realism of an older culture needing to be recalled as the natural world struggles with our careless treatment of it.
In Conversation with artist Gaia Redgrave
When: Saturday 21 May on Zoom
Time: 4-5pm British Summer Time (BST)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 850 9247 3054
Passcode: 836360
Please join curator Alison Green and artist Gaia Redgrave for a discussion about ecology, play, rewilding, neurodivergence and accessibility of exhibitions for the differently abled.
Gaia Redgrave’s works Rhyddid (2022) and Earthsong (2020) are featured in the exhibition 'Ways of Seeing: Green' at Bell House in Dulwich, London from 13-22 May 2022. We will be doing the talk live from the exhibition.
@gaiaredgrave | @alison_mck_green
A Whisper of Sweetness to Planet Earth - live performance by Lèonie Cronin
When: Sunday 22 May
Time: 4pm, free
Over the last few years Lèonie Cronin has been working with somatic processes, these have been gradually integrating into her art work.
As part of her installation her alter ego, Morphic Eco, will draw on this practice to journey through Bell House, gather the intentions pledged during the exhibition and bring them back down to earth.
Duration approx 40 minutes