Dyslexia Screenings at Bell House
About Dyslexia Screening
Do you have concerns about your child’s literacy development? Are you wondering if your child may be dyslexic? Do you feel daunted by the diagnostic assessment process?
Then the Dyslexia Screening assessment offered at Bell House could be just what you are looking for.
What is a Dyslexia Screening assessment?
A dyslexia screening assessment at Bell House consists of nine short literacy and cognitive tasks designed to highlight areas of strength and any difficulties a learner might experience. When mapped together the outcomes can indicate whether or not the learner has a profile typical of a dyslexic learner. You will receive a 4-5 page report detailing the findings of the screening assessment.
How does this differ from a Full Diagnostic Assessment?
A screening assessment can help to identify the cognitive and literacy difficulties typically associated with dyslexia and to inform whether a full assessment is advisable. A full diagnostic assessment will formally diagnose dyslexia, where appropriate.
Who conducts the screening?
All screening assessments are carried out by Karen Murcott AMBDA, an experienced specialist teacher and assessor.
Where and when do screening assessments take place?
All screening assessments take place at Bell House on Fridays during term-time. Each screening assessment lasts 45 minutes.
What age range does the screening assessment cover?
The screening assessment at Bell House is suitable for children and teenagers aged between 6 and 15 years old.
How much does it cost?
Screening assessments cost £150. Bursaries are available – please contact screenings@bellhouse.co.uk for more information.
Contact Us
To make an enquiry about screening and for further information please contact screenings@bellhouse.co.uk
A Full Diagnostic Dyslexia Assessment can now be booked at Bell House. Please contact screenings@bellhouse.co.uk if you are interested.
For general enquiries: info@bellhouse.com