Schools Enrichment at Bell House

About Enrichment Days

We offer enrichment days for schools at Bell House with an emphasis on making and doing rather than sitting and listening. School visitors can expect an action-packed day of diverse learning experiences.

We have a house full of history, a beautiful garden, and most importantly a wonderful team of generous and skilled volunteers.

Here are a few of the activities that help make up one of our Enrichment Days: 

DOING: print

An introduction to the hidden world of printing. Simon Trewin from The Garage Press will run a hands-on workshop, using a combination of vintage wooden and metal blocks and a variety of typefaces. At the end of the session, each pupil will take home their printed name, along with illustration blocks they will have printed themselves.

MAKING: quilt

A stitch in time saves lives! Pupils will work on sewing machines with our master quilters, some of whom are ex-teachers, to design and stitch appliqué squares. These squares will be quilted into incubator covers for premature babies at King’s Hospital, as part of our collaboration with the Linus Project.

WRITING: history

Bell House was built in 1767 and its 250 year history offers a window into local life over time, encompassing the reign of Victoria and both World Wars. Taking inspiration from tales of former house residents, and artefacts (like the sword buried beneath our floorboards!) pupils will explore 250 years of history through a creative writing workshop.

Contact Us

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