Meet the Musicians, Part 6: Connie Pharoah

Part 6: Viola Player Connie Pharoah

Hello, my name is Connie Pharoah and I am delighted to perform to you from my home in South East London. I hope you enjoy the beautiful Prelude from Bach’s fourth cello suite and  a ferocious Etude by Vieux. 


  • How would you describe the music you typically perform? 

The music I typically perform is gutsy and raw. I love to wear my heart on my sleeve and to always feel on edge during a performance. On the other hand I love the contrast of performing inward, sincere and deeply sensitive music. I enjoy exploring the transitions between flamboyant to intimate passages in order to draw in every individual audience member. 


  • What is your creative process like? 

I would say that my creative process is rather natural and organic. I try to let musical ideas reveal themselves through instinct followed by experimentation. My intellectual curiosity tends to come later in my creative process. Throughout the process I am constantly fed inspiration and wisdom from my peers, teachers and loved ones. I absorb ideas and emotions from my environment and experiences of every day life. 

  • What music is inspiring you right now? 

I am currently obsessed with Vilde  Frang’s album ‘Paganini and Schubert’, in which she plays Schubert’s Fantasie in C minor with Micheal Lifits. Listening to this live at the Wigmore Hall and to her recording enlightened my understanding of Schuberts unique writing of harmony and playfulness between piano and violin. 

Broadly speaking I have been listening to a lot of late Beethoven Quartets, folk and bluegrass music such as Alison Krauss, and bands from the 70’s such as Steely Dan. This range inspires me to prioritise the storytelling aspect of music and to always seek freedom and spontaneity in the way I express. 

Here are a couple of links to my YouTube videos:


Bach prelude from suite no4

Vieux Etude no 18